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We are a group of students at Parsippany Hills High School, taking part in the Virtual Enterprise International business competition. We are dedicated to SnakPax LLC. and creating quality products for a better world.


Our product at SnakPaxs LLC. is a subscription box of snacks. We offer a multitude of different snacks in each size box. Those include a solo, single person snack subscription with 3 full size snacks. Our Duo box includes a set of snacks for 2  which includes seven snacks. For a squad box we have fifteen snacks for a number of friends and family to enjoy. We even have a party box for special events which includes 25 snacks. Additionally, our special seasonal box will get anyone into the spirit with special snacks specific to that time of year. These products arrive to your doorstep bundled up in our SnakPax box. SnakPax however, does not just stop there; for every subscription, we will donate to a local charity for the less fortunate that provides food and care for everyone to enjoy snacking!

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